What is Asthma? All You Need to Know

What Is Asthma?

Lung disease asthma affects the lungs. It is a long-term disease that affects most children, but adults can also suffer from it. At night or early in the morning, asthma sufferers experience wheezing, breathlessness, tightness in their chest, and coughing. A person with asthma has it all the time, but an asthma attack only occurs if something upsets their lungs.

There are many things that contribute to asthma, however, we know that genetics, the environment, and occupational factors all play a part.

People in your immediate family who have asthma are more likely to have it themselves. Developing allergic asthma is likely to be influenced by “atopy,” a genetic predisposition to the disease. There are, however, some types of asthma that are not allergic.

A number of environmental factors, such as mold and dampness, dust mites, and secondhand smoke, are associated with asthma development. Additionally, respiratory infections caused by viruses can cause asthma.

People who do not have asthma develop it because of their work exposures. When you are exposed to something like wood dust or chemicals at work all at once at very high levels, you may develop a reaction to it or you may develop an allergy.

How Can You Tell if You Have Asthma?

Children under five may find it difficult to tell if they have asthma, especially if they are wheezing. Finding out if you have asthma is easier when a doctor checks how well your lungs work and looks for allergies.

Doctors ask patients if they cough a lot during a checkup, especially at night. During an evaluation, your doctor will ask whether your breathing problems worsen after physical activity or during particular seasons. You should also mention chest tightness, wheezing, and colds lingering longer than ten days to your doctor. Your doctor will ask whether you have asthma, allergies, or any other breathing problems. Last but not least, the doctor will ask about your home and if you have missed school or worked or have trouble doing certain things.

Using a breathing test, called spirometry, your doctor will determine how well your lungs are working by measuring how much air you can exhale after taking a deep breath before and after using asthma medicine.

Asthma Classification

Based on the symptoms and severity, Asthama can be classified into the following categories:

Mild intermittent asthma.

There are no more than two mild symptoms per week. There are fewer than two episodes a month of nighttime symptoms. Few asthma attacks.

Mild persistent asthma. 

Every three to six days, you experience symptoms. Every three to four months, you experience nighttime symptoms. Attacks of asthma may affect activities.

Moderate persistent asthma. 

Symptoms of asthma daily. A five-to-ten-times monthly frequency of nighttime attacks. Symptoms may interfere with daily activities.

Severe persistent asthma.

A continuing symptom that occurs both during the day and at night. Limit the activities you engage in.

What Does Asthma Feel Like?

When someone suffers from asthma, their bronchial tubes become inflamed and produce extra sticky secretions. When the airways become tight, inflamed, or mucus-filled, asthma sufferers experience symptoms.

Asthma manifests itself in three ways:

Airway blockage.

The bands of muscle around your airways relax when you breathe normally, allowing free movement of air. Asthma, however, causes the muscles to tighten. The air has a harder time passing through.


Your lungs become swollen and red from asthma. You can damage your lungs as a result of this inflammation. Asthma can be managed effectively if this is treated.

Airway irritability.

The airways of asthmatics are sensitive, and they often react overreacting and narrowing when triggered by even slight triggers.

When to see a doctor
Seek emergency treatment

Life-threatening asthma attacks are possible. Your doctor will be able to advise you on what you should do when your symptoms get worse, and when immediate medical attention is needed. Here are some signs of an asthma emergency:

  • A rapid increase in wheezing or shortness of breath
  • The condition has not improved even with quick-relief inhalers
  • Exercise that is minimally physically demanding causes shortness of breath

Contact your doctor

Asthma sufferers should consult their physician as soon as possible. See your doctor if you experience frequent coughing or wheezing for more than a few days or if you exhibit any other asthmatic symptoms. The earlier asthma is treated, the more likely the condition is to be prevented from getting worse over time.

After being diagnosed with asthma, you should monitor your condition. You can manage your asthma with your doctor’s help if you know you have it. You can prevent a life-threatening asthma attack by maintaining good long-term control of your asthma.

If you experience worse asthmatic symptoms. Do not hesitate to contact your doctor if you don’t feel your medication is helping your symptoms or you have to use the quick-relief inhaler more often.

Do not exceed your doctor’s prescriptions without first consulting with your doctor. In addition to causing side effects, asthma medication overuse can exacerbate asthma symptoms.

To review your treatment. Over time, asthma can change. Discuss your symptoms with your doctor and adjust your treatment when needed.

How Is Asthma Treated?

To manage your asthma, follow your doctor’s instructions and avoid things that can trigger an attack. Every asthmatic takes a different medicine.

Other medicines can be taken as a pill, while some medicines can be breathed in. Medications to treat asthma are classified as either quick relief or long-term control. A medicine that controls the symptoms of an asthma attack is known as a quick-relief medicine. If you find yourself needing your pain relievers more and more, consult your doctor to see if you need a new medicine. Medicines that help you have fewer and milder attacks help you in the long run, but they do nothing while you are having an asthma attack.

The side effects of asthma medicines are typically mild and resolve quickly. Make sure you know how your medicines affect you. Asthma is controllable. Create an asthma action plan with your doctor’s help. Choose a person who should receive a copy of the plan and determine where he or she should keep it. Keep taking your long-term control medicine even if you are not experiencing symptoms.

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