Best Handwashing Practices

Our environment is full of microorganisms floating here and there. These tiny creatures stick to whatever surface they like and try their best to infiltrate our bodies in order to enjoy an endless supply of food. The most common ways these organisms enter a human body is through the mouth, eyes, nose or ears. And how do these organisms reach these orifices? From our hands! Many people don’t realize what might be in contact with their hands before they start eating off of them. This provides a golden opportunity to all the opportunistic organisms to not just get inside that person’s system but also multiply inside of it. This is what causes all sorts of infections. This article will discuss how all such circumstances can be prevented by best handwashing practices, especially before having a meal. 

Best Handwashing Practices

The Difference Between Good And Bad Germs

With science and technology reaching new heights, new discoveries are being made every day. Researchers and scientists break myths and form new theories based on their experiments. Around the 1880s, it was found that contrary to popular belief, not all microorganisms are harmful to humans; there are some that help us live better and healthier. These germs are a collective term used for bacteria, fungi, and even protozoans [1]. 

The Difference Between Good And Bad Germs

Exercise And Dietary Trends In 2022

With each new year, the most popular resolution is to establish a steady exercise routine, get back into the gym and perfect our physique for the upcoming pool and beach season. For those of us that lack experience and knowledge in physical fitness, this can be a daunting undertaking! While the fundamentals of exercise and nutrition remain relatively constant from year to year, this is an ever evolving topic and each year ushers in catchy new fitness and dietary trends or products that can often be misleading or sometimes even dangerous as they are not backed by scientific research. This is why we bring you this article to help you keep an eye on the latest trending exercise and dietary trends in 2022 and whether they are good or bad for your health.

Exercise And Dietary Trends In 2022

What is Deltacron?

What is Deltacron?

The global population has been under constant threat of infection from COVID-19 since its emergence in early 2020. As the global healthcare community worked day and night to combat the spread of this viral infection, new and more severe variants of this virus have evolved. This constant state of change has made it challenging to stay up-to-date on the latest safety guidelines and recommendations necessary to stay safe and protected from contracting Covid-19. So just when we thought we had it all figured out… what is Deltacron?!

Good Hygiene Practices And Tips For Healthy Living

Our environmental surroundings are covered with pathogens, harmful viruses, and germs. Believe it or not, your body can be home to these microbes for growth and multiplication. It is estimated that more than 17 million people are killed by microbial disease. you live a happy and healthy life. This article discusses the importance of good hygiene practices and tips and how you can follow them to live a healthy lifestyle.

Good Hygiene Practices And Tips For Healthy Living

10 Tips For A Healthy Lifestyle In 2022

10 Tips For A Healthy Lifestyle In 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic has made so many of us live a sedentary lifestyle with increased odds of overeating, unhealthy eating, depression, anxiety, and physical inactivity. Indeed, many of us have put on extra weight during the pandemic as a result. Being overweight puts you at greater risk of heart attack, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes. The start of the new year always brings a golden opportunity to improve your life, specifically a healthier lifestyle. Being as it is that March is National Nutrition Month, here is our list of 10 tips for a healthy lifestyle in 2022 to improve your health as we slowly emerge from the pandemic and get back to a normal lifestyle.

Understanding Omicron and Other Variants of Covid-19

Understanding Omicron and Other Variants of Covid-19

In December 2020, a new coronavirus variant was reported, and since then, many other COVID-19 variants have been making headlines. Each variant has been reported to be more transmissible than others because viruses constantly change gradually via mutations. As expected, news media have reported multiple variants of coronavirus globally. Scientists have continuously been comparing genetic differences of various COVID-19 variants and the severity of their illnesses. Understanding Omicron and other variants of Covid-19 can seem confusing but it’s important for us to be familiar with the current landscape of the pandemic.

How To Start Exercising

A Beginner’s Guide: How to Start Exercising
A Beginner’s Guide: How to Start Exercising

If you want to incorporate physical activity into your routine, you have a lot of options for exercise. However, many people don’t know how to start exercising for the first time if you’ve never really exercised before. But everyone has to start somewhere to achieve fitness goals and maintain a healthy weight. This article explains some tips on how to start working out even if you don’t know where to start. Before that, let’s take a look at why exercise is essential.

Managing Diabetes

Managing Diabetes

If you or your loved one is living with diabetes, you probably know how stressful it can be to manage your blood glucose levels on a daily basis. Diabetes affects nearly every aspect of your life, from daily life activities to what you eat. Managing diabetes is very important to prevent many health complications. This article covers advice about diabetes treatment and self-management that can help you live well with diabetes. 

Living With Asthma

Managing Asthma as part of day-to-day life

Living with asthma can be challenging as it can interfere with your everyday life. Although there’s no cure for asthma, you can self-manage it or work with a trained healthcare provider to ease asthma symptoms, stay active, and breathe well. The most important thing to living with asthma is keeping it under control. Identifying asthma symptoms, avoiding asthma triggers, and using medication properly are some ways to keep asthma at bay.