Well Woman Exam: 3 Reasons why You Shouldn’t Miss Yours

Well Woman Exam

As a woman, it’s important to make sure that you’re staying on top of your health by getting a regular well woman exam. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), well woman exams are an important part of preventive health care. During your exam, your doctor will check for things like signs of breast cancer, cervical cancer and other potential health problems that could develop if undetected. This gives you the chance to catch any issues early on and get treatment if necessary. Here are three reasons why you shouldn’t miss your next one!

Summer Heat and it’s Danger to Your Heart Health

It’s full blown summer here in Texas and the Houston heat is killer! No exaggeration! Summertime is a great time to get out and enjoy the weather, but the heat also possesses significant danger to your health and, more importantly, for your heart health. Heat exposure can cause a variety of health problems, including heat stroke, heart attack, and death. In this blog post, we will discuss the dangers of summer heat on heart health and what you need to know to stay safe during your fun in the sun.

Summer heat possesses significant danger to your health and, more importantly, to your heart health.

Wellness Exam and Why it’s so Important to Get One

Annual wellness exams are a vital part of preventative health measures

Why is it so important to visit a doctor regularly, even when you feel fine? An annual wellness exam is important for everyone to stay ahead of any developing health conditions or unhealthy habits, but they are especially important as we age. During a wellness exam, your doctor will check your overall health and may identify potential problems early on, when they are easier to treat. Wellness exams can also help you stay healthy and active. Read on to learn all about the importance of annual wellness exams and how they will benefit you.

Best Handwashing Practices

Our environment is full of microorganisms floating here and there. These tiny creatures stick to whatever surface they like and try their best to infiltrate our bodies in order to enjoy an endless supply of food. The most common ways these organisms enter a human body is through the mouth, eyes, nose or ears. And how do these organisms reach these orifices? From our hands! Many people don’t realize what might be in contact with their hands before they start eating off of them. This provides a golden opportunity to all the opportunistic organisms to not just get inside that person’s system but also multiply inside of it. This is what causes all sorts of infections. This article will discuss how all such circumstances can be prevented by best handwashing practices, especially before having a meal. 

Best Handwashing Practices