Stay Safe in the Water This Summer: Essential Water Safety Tips

water safety. summer.

Summer is here! And with the warm weather comes numerous opportunities for fun outdoor activities, including swimming and water sports. Water Safety: While water activities are a great way to stay cool and have a good time, they can also be dangerous if proper safety precautions are not taken.

Surprising Heart Attack Warning Signs You Should Absolutely Never Ignore

woman comforting man holding his hand over his heart and experiencing pain

Heart attacks are one of the leading causes of death in the United States. However, many people do not know the warning signs and symptoms of a heart attack. In this article, we will discuss the most common and surprising heart attack warning signs so that you can be prepared if it happens to you or someone you love.

Text Neck: How to Avoid the damaging effects of poor posture

Woman suffering from text neck pain from texting

We’ve all been there. You’re sitting at your computer working on a project, and you start to feel a pain in your neck. Or maybe you’re using your cell phone and you notice that your arms are starting to get tired. This is because of something called “text neck.” Text neck is a condition that is caused by poor posture from extended use of electronic devices. In this article, we will discuss the dangers of text neck and how to avoid its damaging effects!

The Joy of Aging Well: How to Feel Invigorated and Maximize Your Health

As we age, staying fit can start to seem daunting. But getting older doesn’t mean you have to give away your active lifestyle—far from it! Aging well by staying physically and mentally healthy is a big challenge that we face as we grow into our golden years, but the journey itself can also be immensely gratifying. In this article, let’s explore the joy of staying fit as you age: How making wise fitness choices now can open up new windows of opportunity for enjoying life in the future.