February is not only a month to celebrate love but also to give a big red spotlight to our heart—American Heart Month.
The Hidden World of Germs & Bacteria
Germs and bacteria are ubiquitous and can be found everywhere on Earth. While most of them are harmless, some can cause serious infections and illnesses.
Choosing Wisely: Uncovering the Truth About Good and Bad Fats
Fats are an essential part of our diet. It is important to understand the difference between good and bad fats so that you can make informed and healthy choices when it comes to the foods you eat.
Why is too much time on electronics bad for health?
In this article, we’ll explore some of the reasons why too much time on electronics is bad for our health.
5 Ways Drinking Alcohol Impacts Your Health
‘Tis the season that emphasizes alcohol. From Thanksgiving toasts to Christmas cocktails, it’s impossible to deny the role drinking plays at this time of year.